WARNING. Do Not Do's in the New Year.
Time to toss some serious words of wisdom your way as I'm feeling quite yogic. Straight from the NURU herself. What's a nuru you ask? Well my yogini friend just called me that. It equates to: nutrition guru DUH.
I think you all know I have a passion for vegetables, oh and helping others feel good. Feel good about YOURSELF that is.
So, If you're one of those people (you know who you are) who make some absurd resolutions (or just want a laugh or know who you should share this post with), sit back for a moment and put the leftover christmas cookies down (wipe the crumbs off your lap first) and become....ENGLIGHTENED.
Source: sydesjokes.blogspot.com via Sarah on Pinterest
That dreaded word. First of all, take a peak at the word DIET. The first three letters are D-I-E. Yup. Now let me be the smarty pants I am and tell you why you shouldn't do it. Cause this is what happens when you diet: You start out super psyched and motivated. You even pack the fridge or clean the fridge so it's naked to fit all those fresh pressed juices for your 7 day detox (which I'm not opposed to, but...). Then you lose weight. Then you can't handle the restrictions anymore and frankly you need a carb. Next thing you know you're off the diet. You possibly gain weight back.Then you decide it's time to try another diet. Then you come see me cause you need a diet for the diet that didn't work in the first place. Does this sound vaguely familiar?
This recent article was spot on about setting the right goals. the NYT (New York Times: "The Fat Trap." I suggest you read it.
With a third of the U.S. adult population classified as obese, nobody is saying people who already are very overweight should give up on weight loss. Instead, the solution may be to preach a more realistic goal.
p.s. don't be the AVOIDER.
Source: health-girl.tumblr.com via Madison on Pinterest
Yogis believe you are perfect as you are. And the word YOGA means "to yolk" or "union." In english, this means to connect with who you really are and then....drumroll... "accepting it." (p.s. if you're a cat burglar that's ok to cause you'll probably keep coming back as a snail)-these are the yoga jokes people. But really, Isn't there enough self bashing going around? Statistics say that 86 percent of people report the onset of their eating disorder by the age of 20. Sad. It's exhausting to worry about what you look like all the time and frankly, it's unnecessary. Happiness is way better! (p.s. this is not meant to be a joke re: those who suffer with Eating disorders).
Goals are good. In fact they're likely necessary to get you over habits and hurdles to "feeling good." However, it's the type of goals (as mentioned from the NYT article) you create that will help you keep your sanity. So expecting yourself to lose the 30 pounds in 2 weeks, train for a triathalon that launches in 1 month when the most physical activity you've endured is lifting your finger to change the channel on the remote or type something on your new fabulous iPad does NOT a good goal make.
Oh, and if your idea of energy booster consists of chomping on a snickers bar or having 3 shots of espresso, you'll need to start with something like "replace daily dose of sugar shock with a veggie." Need some help? I wrote this article on goal setting and just read my colleague's (Danielle Omar) 3 Words post. Not a resolution person? Love her thoughts.
We all know em. There's likely one person that you high tail it out the door from or screen phone calls cause they suck the blood, I mean are sources of constant negativity for you. The people who look for something bad to say about anything and anyone. Are you that person? Do you want to be that person?
One word: GRATITUDE (will change your attitude-yeah I really just wrote that).
You can't avoid everyone. BUT, you can change your response to them. It's that response, or lack of response that will leave you with peace of mind. Also, start giving more then you receive and relish in the moments of others happiness....you set yourself up for joy. And JOY is rooted in... MY BLOG amongst other things (hee hee). Oh, and I found this to be a very informative article on creating positivity.
Source: Uploaded by user via Joe on Pinterest
Why? Cause it ain't cool. And frankly can you imagine how you'd be better off by refraining from commenting on that woman's shoes, that guy's hair, the homeless person on the street, celebrities, the Kardashians, the choices a friend has made in their career path yadayadayadayada I can go on and on with this one. We all do it, some more then others. But take a moment and reflect on something you've done lately that might've been JUDGE-EE.
Carl Gustav Jung quotes |
So, tell me how do you FEEL after reading this and what are you going to do or NOT do in 2012?
p.s. if you do have awesome resolutions, share them!
If you liked all the pics here. ;-)
- Read this if you need help getting started on some realistic goals.
- Read this if you want to get healthy NOW. Then read Part II.
- Read this if you're hungry, or this. They were some of the popular kids in 2011.
Here's a New Year's Mantra for you. "Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha" as beautifully sung by Deva Premal. The chant is to remove obstacles. Enjoy and chant away!
Namaste and Have a Happy Healthy New Year! -Jen
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLcyJ3qNcGg&w=420&h=315]